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  • Kamis, 08 September 2011


    8 September 2011.

    To all National Delegates, Honorary Life Members and Friends of Wbuap:

    Dear All,


    I have much pleasure to inform you of the following, and also to request you for suggestions:

    1. The WBUAP Website: At last our website http: //wbuap.org is up and running. Our thanks go to the WBUAP-DANIDA Project for engaging Mr. Wong Yoon Loong as the Regional Communications Co-ordinator for designing and helping to upload information, and for paying the starting costs for the website. Our thanks also go to the National Council for the Blind, Malaysia (NCBM) for agreeing to pay for the yearly subscription for the next two years.

    Please visit the website and give your comments on its usability. Also, give your suggestions as to how we can make our website a "living" instrument for the sharing of knowledge and experiences.

    2. Preliminary Announcement on the 11th WBUAP Massage Seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Preparations for the Seminar are well underway and full details will shortly be released to you through emails and via a website set up specially for the purpose. NCBM has partnered up with Bonvo Travel to form the Organising Committee, and they will put out the full information within the next six weeks. For the time being, please keep your diary free for the beginning of May 2012 - participants arrive on 2 and depart on 6 May 2012. For those who are interested to go on tours after the Massage Seminar, Bonvo Travel will be working out packages with very reasonable prices.

    The Registration fee for "Early Bird" will be US $250.00, and for those who register very close to the dates of the Seminar, it will be US $300.00. Full details will be released within the next few weeks. Please inform everyone about the Seminar, including our friends in the other regions of WBU.

    Malaysia is a "Paradise", take the opportunity to experience the warm weather, delicious foods, different cultures and scenic spots.

    3. Country Reports: There are 22 countries in WBUAP and every country is expected to send in a report at the Mid-Term or Quadrennial Regional Meetings. After making so much efforts in writing the reports, the organisers can only give you a maximum of five minutes for the presentation.

    The President, Dato' Kulasegaran, has suggested that countries should be encouraged to send in their reports at any time giving news on special events of interest to all, things you would like to highlight about your organisation or country, etc., and we can upload them on our website. If that is acceptable, we can request Ms. Michiko Tabata, the Editor, to work out a template or we can use the guidelines sent out before the Mid-Term Assembly in Japan for the purpose.

    Your views and reactions will be much appreciated. Thank you.

    With best wishes,

    (Ivan Ho Tuck Choy),

    Secretary General,

    World Blind Union-Asia Pacific.

    Rabu, 07 September 2011

    August 31st, 2011 WBU e-Notice

    Here is our two-page notice of current breaking news and events.

     Remember, members who have brief announcements to share can send them to: Marianne.mcquillan@wbuoffice.org. We would love to hear from you and spread your good news to others.

     The schedule for the World Congress Braille 21 is now online. You can find a list of the programs by following this link: http://www.braille21.net/en/programme

     Contest reminder for a new name for E-Bulletin (WBU newsletter) is October 14th. Send your ideas to: Marianne.mcquillan@wbuoffice.org

     Gene therapy done at University of Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, may lead to cure for some types of blindness. http://thechronicleherald.ca/Business/1258704.html

     Exhibit opens in New York City that exposes visitors to what it would be like to be completely blind. Dialog in the Dark: http://www.nj.com/entertainment/arts/index.ssf/2011/08/dialog_in_the_dark_visually_im.html

     Australian pop band Rudely Interrupted won the Grand Prix Award for Good at Cannes Lions 2011 for their video film clip “Close My Eyes”. The band’s lead singer is blind and 5 of the 6 members have some form of disability. http://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/rudely-interrupted-gets-behind-the-ndis/#.TiP2fGL_C-4.wordpress.

     Theme set for International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3, 2011. The theme is: “Together for a better world for all including persons with disabilities in development”. For sub-themes and more information visit: http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=1561.

     The Hadley School for the Blind has launched its new re-designed website. Visit www.hadley.edu to view the user-friendly features.

     In Kenya there is one ophthalmologist for every two million people. This grim fact prompted Canadian doctor to travel to Kenya to help: http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/article/1042271--a-remarkable

     We are still accepting ideas for the theme for White Cane Day until the end of August. Send to Marianne.mcquillan@wbuoffice.org

    2011 Conference notices:

    Sept 7 to 9: Fourth session of the Conference of States Parties (CRPD conference at United Nations HQ, New York City, learn more:

    Sept. 21 to 23: World Bank/GPDD Disability & Development Forum.
    The Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD) will hold its 3rd Disability and Development Forum and membership meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Members and partners will focus on options for action towards the social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly in light of Article 32 of the CRPD. Email for more information: francesca.deant@gmail.com

    Sept. 28 to 30: Braille21 Conference, in Leipzig, Germany. This will provide updates and information on Braille with participants from around the world. For information and registration: www.braille21.net

    Oct. 4 to 8: European Blind Union’s 9th General Assembly 2011, in Fredericia, Denmark. To learn more:

    Oct. 10 to 13: Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI) 8th World Assembly: to be held in Durban, South Africa. They have set up a website to register: http://www.dpi2011.co.za/en/home

    You can support the World Blind Union by donating online through Canada Helps. The link is: